
A library of tools for building smaller, greener, less resource intensive and more accessible website and blogs inspired by

The scope of Sesame has somewhat changed quite bit, but at its core is a set of hopefully useful tools for building websites, that's it.

A Simple Site

Sesame aims to provide a very easy way to have a site built. It may not look the best, but under-the-hood it tries to do the heavy lifting so you just need to override the build functionality to do custom HTML.

module Meta = struct
  type t = { title : string } [@@deriving yaml]

module C = Sesame.Collection.Make (Meta)
module H = Sesame.Collection.Html (Meta)

let build () =
  let open Lwt_result.Syntax in
  let* c = (Fpath.v "data/") in
  let+ html = c in
  Fmt.(pf stdout "%s" html)

let () =
  match (build ()) with Ok _ -> () | Error (`Msg m) -> failwith m

This is the example/simple-sesame site, it actually just prints the generated HTML to stdout. To do more with it you could override H's build function. Something like:

module H = struct
  include Sesame.Collection.Html (Meta)

  let build (t : C.t) =
    let body =
      let open Tyxml.Html in
        h1 [ txt t.meta.title ];
        div [ (t.body |> Omd.of_string |> Omd.to_html) ];
    Sesame.Components.html ~lang:"en" ~css:"/styles" ~title:t.meta.title
      ~description:"home page" ~body
    |> Fmt.str "%a" (Tyxml.Html.pp ())
    |> Lwt_result.return

The cool thing with overriding it is that you have access to the collection's metadata too!


  1. Sesame.Collection: tools for building collections with a type-checked metadata section
  2. Sesame.Image: tools for doing transformations like rescaling, dithering, quality changes etc. to images
  3. Sesame.Responsive: tools for building responsive images
  4. Sesame.Path: utility functions for mangling file paths
  5. Sesame.Transformer: markdown to markdown transformations to do things like add table of contents, change images for responsive ones
  6. Sesame.Utils: provides useful functions and importantly some predefined Sesame.S.S modules for common format like Sesame.Utils.Json and Sesame.Utils.Yml.
  7. Sesame.Components: some basic HTML componenets you may want to use