Module Sesame.Utils

val date_to_ptime : string -> Ptime.t

date_to_ptime s converts the string s to a Ptime.t

val get_time : unit -> string

get_time () gets the current time... might be removed because it is a UNIX only thing

val html_path : ?⁠dir:Fpath.t option -> Fpath.t -> Fpath.t

html_path ?dir path turns a/b/ into a/b/c.html

val filename_to_html : Fpath.t -> Fpath.t
val title_to_dirname : string -> string
module Fpath_input : Sesame__.S.Encodeable with type t = Fpath.t

A useful S.Encodeable compliant module Fpath.t

module Json : Sesame__.S.S with type Input.t = Fpath.t and type t = Ezjsonm.value

A S.S compliant module for JSON (using Ezjson.value)

module Dir : functor (T : Sesame__.S.S with type Input.t = Fpath.t) -> Sesame__.S.S with type Input.t = Fpath.t and type t = T.Output.t list
module List : functor (T : Sesame__.S.S) -> Sesame__.S.S with type Input.t = T.Input.t list and type t = T.Output.t list